TUDEXO Installation for PeopleSoft

Prep Work:
  1. Make your life Easy!  --Editing your path.                     
  2. Create a New Group and New Users  --We will be using the tuxedo user in this tutorial.
  3. Create the following folders: /apps, /apps/mdlware, /apps/psoft
  4. Download Tuxedo 10g R3 from https://edelivery.oracle.com/
  5. Install Tuxedo
  6. Update Bash File

Create Needed Folders:
  1. Login as tuxedo user.
  2. Open a terminal and follow the commands below:
                   [tuxedo@localhost ~]#  su root
                   password: "oracle"
                   [root@localhost ~]#  cd /                
                   [root@localhost ~]#   ls                   
                   [root@localhost ~]#   mkdir apps   
                   [root@localhost ~]#   ls                  

                    [root@localhost ~]#   cd apps                
                    [root@localhost ~]#   mkdir mdlware    
                    [root@localhost ~]#   ls                  
                    [root@localhost ~]#   chgrp psoft mdlware
                    [root@localhost ~]#   chmod 777 mdlware
                    [root@localhost ~]#   mkdir psoft
                    [root@localhost ~]#   chgrp psoft psoft
                    [root@localhost ~]#   chmod 777 psoft
                    [root@localhost ~]#   ls -lrt

                    [root@localhost ~]#   cd /                                       
                    [root@localhost ~]#   chmod 777 apps
                    [root@localhost ~]#   ls -lrt

Download Tuxedo 10g R3:
  1. Navigate to Oracle e-delivery  https://edelivery.oracle.com/
  2. Once you have logged in select,  Production Pack: Peoplesoft Entreprise, plateform: Linux x86-64, then under PeopleSoft Enterprise - PeopleTools 8.51 Media Pack. When the new menu has pulled up, download Tuxedo 10gR3 for Linux x86-64 to your desktop.
  3. Open a terminal and follow the commands below:
          [tuxedo@localhost ~]# cd Desktop
          [tuxedo@localhost  Desktop]#   ls
          [tuxedo@localhost  Desktop]#  chmod 777 tuxedo10gR3_64_Linux_01_x86.bin 
          [tuxedo@localhost  Desktop]#  ./tuxedo10gR3_64_Linux_01_x86.bin 

        4. Click the "OK" button.

        5. Click the "Next" button.

        6. We want the "Full Install" selected. Then click the "Next" button.

        7.  Make sure that the new oracle Home radio box is select. Then enter the following for the Oracle Home Directory: /apps/mdlware. Then click the "Next" button.

        8. Check the "Specify Product Installation Directory" is : /apps/mdlware/tuxedo10gR3. Then click the "Next" button.

        9. Check the summary and then click "Install"

        10. When the install process has finished, enter in a password. I used "oracle". Then click the "Next" button.

            11. Click the "No" button for SSL support, and click the "Next" button.

            12. Click the "Done" button.

At this time you can install any patches that you want or you can verify you installation.

The next step in the peoplesoft installtion is installing JRockit.